Editorial Workflow

1. Electronic Submission

To facilitate rapid publication and minimize administrative costs, submissions are only accepted through the online tracking system. Please make sure to check not only the box ‘reader’ but also the box ‘author’ on the online registration form. If you are unable to access the submission start page after your initial submission please go back to your profile page and check the ‘author’ box or contact ojs@julius-kuehn.de for further assistance.

Submissions by anyone else but one of the authors will not be accepted. The submitting author takes responsibility for the manuscript during submission and the peer-review process. The submission form allows submitting of a short note to the editor. This field may also be used to suggest potential reviewers. Full names, affiliations and email addresses of potential reviewers are to be included. Co-workers employed by the same institution as the submitting author should not be named. Please list the names of all authors in the same order they appear on the manuscript and mark yourself as principal contact for editorial correspondence during entering the metadata for your manuscript. More authors can be added by clicking the ‘add author’ button below the first author. A valid email address has to be entered for each author. These addresses will not be published online but need to be archived together with the manuscript. The co-authors will only be contacted when the final article is published online and in case questions regarding the scientific integrity of the manuscript arise. Only substantial contributors to the manuscript or the science presented therein should be named as authors. If problems occur during the online submission, the author can contact ojs@julius-kuehn.de for technical support.

The submissing author will be asked to agree to the following terms on behalf of all co-authors:

I assure that all authors listed on the manuscript agreed to this submission and that I am authorized to act on their behalf. All authors have substantially contributed to the manuscript and all contributers are listed as authors.

A The manuscript has not been published in any other peer-reviewed journal or in a book or edited collection, and is not under consideration for any such publication.

B I accept that the manuscript will be screened for plagiarism and falsified data and I am willing to provide original data to reviewers and editors should the need arise.

C The manuscript is original work by the authors and does not violate any third-party rights. I have read the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 license and agree to them.

D I confirm that the manuscript complies with the author guidelines and publishing policies of the Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality.

2. Processing Steps

The submitting author can track the processing stage and the date of the last changes of their manuscript online. These stages are:

Unassigned - no editor was assigned yet
In review - an editor is assigned and carries out the initial editorial review, invitation of external reviewers, waiting for reviews to arrive, decision making on the manuscript, awaiting a revised version from the authors
In editing - payment of the publication fee is underway, typesetting, proofreading, finalizing the PDF, registration of the DOI, online publication
Archived - the manuscript is either rejected or published and not longer in progress

3. Revisions

Revisions should be completed within six weeks if the editor decides that a minor revision of a manuscript is required. After this period, the author will be reminded once and after an additional week, the original submission will be declined and archived. If a major revision is required and additional experiements are needed, please inform the responsible editor ahead of time.

Corrected proofs must be returned to the layout editor within 5 business days of receipt. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication. Therefore, it is important that the manuscript and figures comply with the journal's guidelines for formatting and style.