Investigations on the identity of ‘Canaiolo bianco’ and other white grape varieties of central Italy


  • P. Storchi
  • A. Armanni
  • L. Randellini
  • S. Giannetto
  • S. Meneghetti
  • M. Crespan


Vitis vinifera L., microsatellite markers, phyllometric analysis, synonyms, true-to-type


During research for the rescue and description of grapevine germplasm in central Italy, 28 white accessions were collected, 10 of them sharing the name ‘Canaiolo bianco’ but having different morphological and yield characteristics. ‘Canaiolo bianco’ is listed as essential in the specifications for some D.O.C.G. and D.O.C. Tuscan wines, but its correct identity is not clear. With the aim to identify and characterize our samples and to pinpoint what the true-to-type ‘Canaiolo bianco’ is, we described these accessions using a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing DNA analysis, ampelographic, phyllometric, phenological and yield descriptions. Moreover we collected as much historical information as possible about them. The 28 accessions investigated were grouped in 8 varieties with very distinct traits. The research has provided useful information for clarifying various cases of synonymy and homonymy. Moreover, we hypothesize that the true to type ‘Canaiolo bianco’ corresponds to the so called ‘Drupeggio’.






